What's PyComPic?

Pycompic is a Graphical User Interface for Picprog, although it supports sdcc and gpasm. It's goal is to be really easy to use and to give the user the oportunity to avoid dealing with the terminal.

What can I do with it?

With Pycompic you will be able to erase PICs and to burn ".hex" files into it. If a ".c" file is detected, it tries to compile it with sdcc. If a ".asm" file is detected, it tries to compile it with gpasm. All the things you do with it, are showed up in a small console. The idea is to be fully transparent to you.

I should use it if...

If you're looking for simplicity in your PIC erase/burn tasks, then you should give PyComPic a try. And as it also supports compilations for C and ASM files, the flexibility grows even larger.


To use PyComPic you need the following:
  • Must have:

    • GNU/Linux distribution
    • picprog
    • GTK2 (modern gnome-based distributions already have this)
    • Python 2.4 or higher (modern distributions have this by default)
    • pyGTK 2.0 or higher
  • Optional:

    • gputils (to compile ASM files)
    • sdcc (to compile C files)