Beta released!

The beta has been released on 19-04-2009, bringing finally the intended functionality that PyComPic was planned to have.

List of the most important changes:

  • Support for all PICs supported by Picprog
  • Built-in console viewer improved, beeing fully transparent to the user
  • Support for ASM files

As the beta has been released, now the objective is to wipe out all the bugs to have as soon as possible a stable and mature project. Also, a thought that I have for the next version is PIC verifying as an optional feature

Alfa released!

The alfa has been released on 15-04-2009, it contains support for PIC16F84A and it's able to compile C files using SDCC.

List of the most important features:

  • SDCC to compile C files
  • Burns the PIC using Picprog
  • It can erase the PIC's memory
  • It has a console viewer to see the historic of events

The main objective for the next version is to support all PICs supported by Picprog and to be able to compile ASM files using Gputils.